Thursday, June 4, 2015

Letting Go...

It is very effortless to store up anger and bitterness inside your heart than it is to release it. But storing up anger causes more problems in the future then you would expect it. I can definitely relate to this problem. In one of my previous post I talked about losing a friend (Saying Goodbye to My 2nd Best Friend). I still was a hurt about the situation and stored some bitterness in my heart. But here's the suprising part, I didn't even know it! It all started on a Sunday afternoon and I was in a great mood because my cousins were visiting. While we were having a pleasant time being in each other's company, my phone beeped from a text message. This wasn't really shocking because my friends usually text me on the weekends. But what was suprising was that my friend texted me that the person I had a problem with wanted to talk to me. Here's how the conversation went:

Friend: Hey Gracelyn. Jessica* wants to talk to you.
Me: WHAT? Why does she want to talk to me?
Friend: I don't know. I think she wants to apologize or something. She really misses you.
Me: That's her lost then. She should of said sorry a looonggg time ago.
Friend: Are you okay you sound really hurt about it. What happened?

After my friend asked me the question the first thought I had in my mind was to defend myself. But then suddenly I knew that she was right and thought, why am I so hurt about this? This happened months ago and if I was supposedly forgiven her why and I still upset? For the next couple of days, this problem really set in my heart. I was taken aback that I still was upset and I really wasn't free. When I read my Bible I found this verse "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32) I realized that I needed to forgive her because God has forgiven me and has never held any grudges against me. After learning this important message I decided to text the person I was upset with because I couldn't waste another minute being angry with her. Soon she apologized and now we are back friends again.  I am happy that my friend (the one who texted me) showed me what was really in my heart. That is why I am sharing my personal thoughts with you today because I want to show you the amazing results when you simply forgive and let go. So to wrap this up here are the 2 main points I am trying to address:

1. I need to check my heart to see if I have "hidden grudges" against people. 
2. It's not worth holding bitterness because it causes more problems. 

*name was changed

*I challenge you to also check your heart and ask God to set you free*

-Gracelyn Lives

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 Also, please donate so I can go to Greece and Italy next month. My goal is to get 10 people to donate $10 by June 14th! Will you please donate?

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