Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

Yesterday I wrote about confidence, so today I want to go deeper into about topic. If you didn’t read my post called “Confidence 101” I recommend reading it before this post. Anyway, I talked about how God was the “King of Confidence” and that if a person is seeking confidence they need to go to him. But today, I want to talk about self-worth. This goes together with because I need confidence to get self worth. In fact the definition of self worth is to confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect (from Google). Nonetheless, my mother still tells me to this day that actions speak louder than words, and I agree with 100% . Because of this I realized that this could be “linked” together with the subject of self worth. But how does that work?  Well, I can say one thing about my self worth, but show the complete opposite by my actions. Also, the more negative belief you think about yourself the worse your self worth will become. Anyway, here are some examples of 2 different people’s actions and words. Try to figure out what person has a stronger self worth.

Belief: believes that he’s an average student
Actions: does just enough to get by with his school work

Belief: believes that he should always strive to do his best
Actions: does his class assignments with 100% effort and completes extra credit work.

To sum things up, Bob has a stronger self worth than Ben because he believed in himself. A person can decipher which student was more motivated by just looking at their school work. To be honest I have did a “Ben Habit” in the past as well. But now I am trying to demonstrate positive qualities through my actions, so they can line up with my words. 

*I challenge you to think about your actions as well!*

-Gracelyn Lives

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 Also, please donate so I can go to Greece and Italy next month. My goal is to get 10 people to donate $10 by June 5th! Will you please donate?

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