Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dreams into Plans!

When I turned 13th my mother decided that I needed to have some mentors. I am grateful of that because I learned so much from these outstanding women. One of my mentors is a lawyer; which is the career I want to get into. I learned so many important lessons from her. One of the most important lessons I have learned from her was to follow my dreams and put them to action. She taught me that I have to turned my can'ts into cans and my dreams into plans. I learned that if the obstacle looks difficult I need to call on Jesus to help, but I cannot give up. And instead of just dreaming and wishing for things I need to actually make plans to meet my goals.
Queen Esther also followed this moral. When Haman tricked King Xerxes into signing a decree that Jews should be slaughter, Esther didn't know what to do so she asked God for help and decided that she couldn't wait for someone else to fix the problem, she needed to do it (with the help of God) herself. My mother also chose to follow her gut and go to Atlanta by herself. But before she moved she asked God for guidance. Now that I talked (well typed down) about this topic. I am now going summarize it. (Why? Because it helps get to the point and its fun!)

What I learned:
1. Ask God for guidance and instruction
2. If the obstacle looks difficult ask God for help.
3. Do NOT give up! Try to find a way to overcome the problem.
4. Instead of wishing and dreaming I need to change my dreams INTO plans!

Why am I writing about this?:
Well, I have been dreaming and somewhat planning to get my learner's permit but I have never really got to it. Honestly, it's just pure procrastination. The longer I wait to take the test the longer it will be to get my actual driver's license. So starting tomorrow I am going to study for the test and I will take it next week. I need to work now and play later!

*I challenge you to set a goal and try to accomplish it this week!*

 -Gracelyn Lives

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