Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Growing Up!

When I was younger I always wanted to be a teenager. In fact all of my kindergarten drawings and projects were inspired by my dream of becoming one. I used to think that when I turn 16 years old I could automatically learn how to drive. It’s kind of ironic that I have to push myself to actually start studying for the GA Learner’s Permit test.
Anyway, as a kid I believed that I wouldn’t face any problems when I turned a certain age and that I would suddenly become wise and mature. Also, I thought when I became a “grown up” my walk with God would automatically be strong. I thought that I could have a relationship with him without actually knowing him. I was totally off track with that concept, LOL! Now I am slowly realizing that no matter what age I become, I still have to improve my character and relationship with Jesus. Also I now believe that being a teenager is harder than I thought because teens have to face more pressure, responsibilities, and independence than they have as a kid. To wrap this up, what I am trying to say (actually write) is that no matter what age I become I am still growing up emotionally, spiritually, and of course physically LOL. And that being a teenager is a very tiny portion of my life, and it’s not the most important part either. I have to appreciate the life the Father has given me now and not wait for it in the future. 

*I challenge you to appreciate your life and what the Father has given you!*

P.S. To God - "God, I'm thankful for the life you have given me!"
-Gracelyn Lives

#HelpGraceGet2Greece please check out my website: http://gracelyn47.wix.com/greeceitalytrip  or donate to my school website: https://personal.eftours.com/secure/make-donation.aspx?poid=DBE569FD&utm_medium=web&utm_source=paxsecure&utm_campaign=fundraising

 Also, please donate so I can go to Greece and Italy next month. My goal is to get 10 people to donate $10 by June 5th! Will you please donate?


  1. This was a great blog! Yes I must do the same Gracelives - enjoy everyday God has blessed me with as I prepare for my future. Thank you for sharing such insightful post.

  2. Gracelyn - my 1st child is growing up... you are so wise. Love you!

  3. This was a welp written post. Believe it or not, I too, believed that motiveless eye going to happen at the ages 16, 21,& 25. It wasn't until I became those she's did I not understand and realize the significance, understanding and responsibilities that came with them. Luv you honey. Keep inspiring others just like your mom.


Thank you for your comments!! Gracelyn Lives